Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Are YOU Ready For Friday??

Serious question for you all!
Are you a fan of Rebecca Black's catchy lyrics and cute personality in her new song, "Friday?"
(If not, see HERE. Watch that, then you will be.)
Think we could sing that song with even cuter personalities and make those lyrics even catchier??
Well then show us that you mean it! (even if you don't!)
If we get FIFTY (50) subscribers to this blog, we will post a parody of "Friday" by Rebecca Black.
Now, you may be wondering why we would want to cover this, or why you would want us to want to cover this. The answer is simple. Rebecca's sharp intellect and desire to teach in this song is very evident with her lyrics, "Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday/Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)/Tomorrow is Saturday/And Sunday comes afterwards." Also, her line, "which seat can I take?" shows deep internal dilemmas that really resonate with us and our generation. We want to really spread the message of this song to as many people as possible.
We need fifty subscribers to make this happen. Will you answer the call and help us spread this song to those who have not been fortunate enough to hear it yet?

So please prove it and subscribe! :] (and tell your friends to subscribe too, please!)

Love always,
You favorite cousins,
Jonah and Levi.

1 comment:

  1. ok, forgot about the 50 followers, yall should just do it anyways!
    After yall make a viral parody you will get your 50 followers fersure. :)
