Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Segment: Ask Kelly

You may have found it surprising how few emotional problems the cousins of CousinsEverAfter seem to have. Well, we would like to reveal our secret... We share a psychiatrist by the name of Kelly. Whether our problems be our love-life, family, or emotional damage done by the mean bullies on the playground, she has always helped us work through all of these problems with love and sarcasm. Now though, we have realized: why keep her to ourselves? We have convinced her to start a segment on here called "Ask Kelly," where Kelly will answer an anonymous question submitted by you, the reader, with an equal amount of love and sarcasm! So please submit your questions for answering!

We never know when we might need her, so our psychiatrist travels with us. Even to Boston!
Here, she is shown helping us overcome our mutual fear of glow-in-the-dark trees!

Levi with our psychiatrist as she helps him overcome his fear of wearing green gloves while in a moving subway car!
Jonah with our psychiatrist as she helps him overcome his fear of having his teeth change colors!
Our psychiatrist can act goofy, but she's SERIOUSly awesome!
Our psychiatrist is willing to see us anywhere! Jonah and our psychiatrist at her office in DC as she helps him overcome his fear of looking at neon waves while standing on docks at night.
Remember... she will always listen!